
BPMN diagram showing secure QR code generation and embedding process, including DID URI encoding, data signing, and final QR code creation


In today's digital landscape, QR codes are widely used to store and access data securely. For a company's QR code generation process, a Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) diagram provides a detailed flow, showcasing each step in generating a QR code. Below is an explanation of Figure 9 in the BPMN diagram for QR code generation and embedding.


QR Code Generation and Embedding BPMN Diagram

1.Start Event

  • The company initiates the QR code generation process. This step marks the beginning of the workflow where the QR code data is prepared and set for encoding.

2.Encode DID URI Task

  • In this task, the company encodes the Decentralized Identifier (DID) URI directly into the QR code. The DID URI serves as a unique identifier, ensuring that the QR code links back to a specific, verifiable entity.

3.Sign QR Code Data Task

  • Here, the company signs the data embedded within the QR code. Signing the data establishes both integrity and authenticity, providing assurance that the QR code data has not been tampered with.

4.Generate QR Code Task

  • The QR code generator is now utilized to create the QR code based on the encoded DID URI and the signed data. This step consolidates all the required data into a final, scannable QR code.

5.End Event

  • This marks the completion of the QR code generation process. At this stage, the QR code is fully generated, incorporating the necessary encoded and signed data, and ready for use.


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written by : Alaa Rezk , Senior software developer



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