Mısır ithalat gereksinimleri

ACI Cargo Pre-Registration System, Egyptian customs, digital customs procedure, Nafeza, import documentation, export security, blockchain technology in customs, ACI benefits, risk management system RMS, electronic cargo data, ACI system implementation, trade facilitation portal.

Table of Contents

Egypt has begun implementing the ACI Cargo Pre-Registration System, a new digital customs procedure. This system mandates that importers submit electronic shipment data at least 48 hours before the cargo arrives in Egypt. The necessary documentation includes a commercial invoice, packing list, copy of the bill of lading, and a certificate of origin.

According to Nafeza, Egypt's sole trade facilitation portal, the standard documents required for ACI filings are:

  • A commercial invoice (available in PDF and as an Excel spreadsheet using the "Nafeza Template")
  • Packing list (in PDF format)
  • Copy of the bill of lading (originals should not be uploaded, only copies in PDF format)
  • Certificate of origin (in PDF format)

Additional documents may be required depending on the shipment, such as:

  • Bill of materials
  • Certificates of analysis, fumigation, inspection, insurance, and others
  • Delivery note
  • Movement certificate
  • Halal certificate
  • Health certificate
  • Material safety data sheet
  • Phytosanitary certificate
  • Cover letter
  • Veterinary certificate
  • Other relevant documents

For assistance with invoices and other documentation, users can refer to the Download Center on the NAFEZA website.

The ACI Cargo Pre-Registration System is a new customs protocol that enhances risk monitoring via the Risk Management System (RMS), prioritizing the security of Egyptian citizens. It demands advance submission of cargo data, including a pro-forma invoice and draft bill of lading, 48 hours before shipment.

The benefits of the ACI system include reduced time and costs associated with releasing goods, elimination of paper documents, and protection against goods of unknown or dubious origin.

The system affects importers, exporters, clearance agencies, and sea/air freight companies. Officially implemented on October 1, 2021, after a pilot phase starting April 1, 2021, preparation involves registration on www.nafeza.gov.eg, obtaining an electronic signature pad, listing advance cargo data, submitting necessary documents prior to shipment, and coordinating with overseas exporters to use blockchain technology for document transfer.


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