Datamaskinläsbarhet i QR-kodbaserade system: BPMN-diagramguide

BPMN diagram illustrating the process of retrieving, formatting, and validating data for machine-readability via QR code scanning


In today's digital world, ensuring that data is easily accessible and usable by machines is crucial for efficient information processing. The Data Machine-Readability BPMN Diagram illustrates a streamlined process where a user can scan a QR code to retrieve and access data in a machine-readable format. This blog post will walk you through the steps outlined in the BPMN diagram, highlighting how each task plays a role in ensuring that the data is retrieved, formatted, validated, and ready for use by automated systems. Whether you are a developer, data analyst, or simply curious about data processing workflows, this explanation provides a clear and concise overview of the process.

Data Machine-Readability BPMN Diagram 

1. Start Event:

  • The process begins when the user scans a QR code to initiate the data retrieval process.

2. Scan QR Code Task:

  • The user scans the QR code, which triggers the system to start retrieving data.

3. Retrieve Data Task:

  • The Data Management System uses the URL resolved from the scanned QR code to retrieve data. This data should be inherently in a machine-readable format.

4. Format Data for Machine Readability Task:

  • In this step, the system passes the data to format it for machine readability to ensure that it is properly formatted and standardized according to specific requirements.

5. Validate Data Format Task:

  • The system passes data to check the formatted data to confirm that it meets the required standards for machine readability.

6. End Event:

  • The process concludes with the user successfully accessing the machine-readable data through the QR code.


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written by : Alaa Rezk , Senior software developer


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