Omejitev formaldehida v skladu z odlokom o prepovedi kemikalij (ChemverbotsV)

Formaldehyde restriction under Chemicals Prohibition Ordinance (ChemVerbotsV)

Formaldehyde is especially restricted under Chemicals Prohibition Ordinance and above the restriction under REACH Annex XVII:

  1. Coated and uncoated wood-based materials (particleboard, blockboard, veneer board, and fiberboard) may not be placed on the market if the equilibrium concentration of formaldehyde caused by the wood-based material exceeds 0.1 ml/cbm (ppm) in the air of a test room.
  2. Furniture containing wood-based materials that do not comply with the requirements of paragraph 1 shall not be placed on the market. However, paragraph (1) shall also be deemed to be met if the furniture complies with the compensatory concentration referred to in paragraph (1) in a whole-body test.
  3. Washing, cleaning and care products with a mass content of more than 0.2% formaldehyde may not be placed on the market.
  4. The prohibition according to Paragraph 1 shall not apply to plates placed on the market solely for the purpose of suitable coating, provided that it is ensured that, after coating, they comply with the compensation concentration specified in paragraph 1.
  5. The prohibition according to paragraph 3 shall not apply to cleaners in exclusively industrial use.


Ahmed Sakr

Product Compliance Consultant 

ComplyMarket UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)


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