Duitsland en de wetgeving van de Europese Unie met betrekking tot de due diligence van de toeleveringsketen

Germany and European Union Legislation regarding Supply Chain Due Diligence


The extent of utilization:

  • Starting from 2023, a workforce of 3000 individuals in Germany
  • Either a central administrative body or a legally established headquarters located in Germany


  • Annual and spontaneous fulfillment of the required investigation and assessment
  • Annual and spontaneous creation of internal records and public reports

Distinctive Range:

  • In-house operational domain
  • Primary suppliers directly engaged (Tier-1)
  • Subsequent suppliers (Tier-n) are indirectly involved based on substantiated awareness.

Regulatory enforcement

  • Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA) within the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs
  • Controls, directives, authorization privileges, and the duty to furnish information based on risk assessment.

Sanctions and monetary penalties

  • Regulations regarding administrative fines, which can reach up to 2% of the yearly revenue.
  • German non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and labor unions possess the ability to enforce the rights of individuals affected.

Current Status

  • The legislation will be in effect starting from January 1st, 2023.

German Legislation on Supply Chain Due Diligence


Ahmed Sakr

Product Compliance Consultant 

ComplyMarket UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)


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