Egyesült Arab Emírségek Rohs


UAE RoHS is copied from EU RoHS, except the certification part.

UAE RoHS Key Elements – Definitions:

Products: Any item mentioned in Annex (1) of this regulation, that operates through the use of electric power or an electromagnetic field and is intended to work with voltage levels not exceeding (1000) volts for alternating current and (1500) volts for direct current.

Conformity Certificate: issued by an authority to certify that a product or a part of it meets the requirements of an approved standard. It is a document that verifies the product's conformity to the relevant regulations, standards, and technical specifications.


UAE RoHS – Restricted Substances

Product Scope:

  1. Large household appliances
  2. Small household appliances
  3. IT and Telecommunication equipment
  4. Consumer equipment
  5. Lighting equipment
  6. Electrical and electronic tools (with the exception of large-scale stationary industrial tools)
  7. Toys leisure and sport equipment
  8. Medical devices (with the exception of all implanted and infected products)
  9. Monitoring and control instruments including industrial monitoring and control instrument
  10. Automatic dispensers
  11. Other EEE not covered by any of the categories above or, and falling within the definition of Article 1


UAE RoHS Key Elements Applicable Standards


UAE RoHS Key Elements Applicable Standards – Testing Standards

UAE RoHS Key Elements conformity assessment

There are two types of evaluation and verification of compliance that can be used depending on which is more applicable to the manufacturer or trader of the product:

  1. Mandatory Under ECAS
  2. Model H under EQM

Mandatory Under ECAS (option 1):

  • If the complete product assessment for RoHS is not done, a risk assessment must be submitted.
  • The person or entity applying for RoHS compliance issues a Declaration of Conformity (DOC) that includes only the critical components of the product.
  • The certificate issued by the Notified Body is valid for a period of one (1) year.
  • If a full RoHS Test is not available, the applicant must do risk assessment and choose three high risk components to be tested (one of them is critical component for electrical safety)
  • Notified Body will check if the product complies with the set RoHS limits.

Model H under EQM (option 2):

  • The applicant provides a document stating that the product complies with the relevant standards, known as the Declaration of Conformity (DOC).
  • The applicant is required to provide a risk assessment and relevant documentation in accordance with IEC63000 and IEC62476.
  • a technical audit and verification is conducted by visiting the physical location of the applicant's facility.
  • The Notified Body checks if the requirements are met and grants a certificate and license to use the EQM, which remains valid for three years.

What can you do now?

  1. Decide Which Certifcate is the most suitable for your business EQM or ECAS
    - For one time business, ECAS is the best option
    - For contionous business, EQM is the best option
  2. Before, you apply for the certificate, you should get the suitable training for your team, it can be done by ComplyMarket.
  3. Before, you apply for the certificate, you should do a gap risk assessment, it can be done by ComplyMarket.
  4. Ask ComplyMarket about recommendations for a notified body.


Ahmed Sakr

Product Compliance Consultant 

ComplyMarket UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)



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