WID -järjestelmien epäonnistumis- ja ilmoitusmekanismien ymmärtäminen: BPMN -kaavion selitys

BPMN diagram illustrating a failover and notification process for monitoring and switching to a backup system when a primary system fails


In today's world of digital services, ensuring the availability and reliability of systems is crucial. One way to achieve this is through a failover system, which ensures that if one system goes down, another takes its place. Here's a breakdown of the Failover and Notification BPMN Diagram to explain how this process works in a structured manner


Failover and Notification BPMN Diagram

1.Start Event:

  • The process starts with the resolver system initiating a check of the main URL.

2.Monitor Main URL Task:

  • The Monitoring system monitors the availability of the main URL.
      • Intermediate Event (Failure Detected): The monitoring system detects that the main URL is down and triggers a response.
      • Detect Failure Task: The monitoring system confirms the failure of the main URL.

3.Send Update Triggered:

  • Once the main database is triggered by an update.

4.Notify Backup System Task:

  • The main database sends notification to the backup system about the failure of the main URL. The backup database got notification and replaced the main database instantly.

5.End Event:

  • The process ends once the backup system is notified and replaced successfully.


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written by : Alaa Rezk , Senior software developer


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