
ComplyMarket UG -haftungsbeschränkt-hereinafter referred to as 'ComplyMarket', is a Munich-based company in Germany. ComplyMarket operates an exclusive (membership-based) portal to connect suppliers with buyers and provides professional regulatory consulting services. This website complymarket.com and its AI-generated reports are based on data sources and algorithms designed to provide accurate and up-to-date information. However, ComplyMarket cannot guarantee the accuracy or suitability of the information provided through this website or its reports for every user's needs or queries.

ComplyMarket takes no responsibility for the use or interpretation of the information contained in this website or its reports. It is the responsibility of each user to ensure that their queries and use of the information provided are in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as ethical and moral standards. ComplyMarket does not endorse or support the use of its AI system or this website for illegal or harmful purposes, including but not limited to the procurement of illegal drugs, weapons, chemicals, or other prohibited substances or items. If the AI system or this website is used in violation of these policies, ComplyMarket reserves the right to take appropriate action, including but not limited to reporting such activities to the relevant authorities.

ComplyMarket does not assume any liability or duty of care, whether due to negligence or otherwise, with respect to the use of this website or its services by third parties, in whole or in part. ComplyMarket shall not be liable for any losses suffered by clients or any third parties as a result of any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information or services provided on this website. ComplyMarket is not a law firm and is not authorized to act as attorneys or provide legal opinions. The information contained in this website and its services is not intended as advice and should not be construed as such.

ComplyMarket makes no representations, warranties or conditions with respect to this website, its services, or the information contained therein. Any information or facts provided by suppliers and customers and referenced on this website or in its services, or used in the preparation of this website or its services, are believed to be accurate but have not been independently verified or confirmed in any way by ComplyMarket. ComplyMarket undertakes not to use any information that is not credible or any information that it has reason to believe is inaccurate.