Valutazzjoni tad-Diskrepanza fil-Konformità tas-Sustanza Ristretta

Valutazzjoni tad-Diskrepanza fil-Konformità tas-Sustanza Ristretta

ComplyMarket provides a comprehensive one-day gap assessment service to assess compliance with limited substance measures.

ComplyMarket provides a thorough gap assessment service to assess compliance with limited substance measures for products. The assessment is carried out in accordance with the guidance of Technical Report IEC/TR 62476 and the IEC 63000 standard to assess the compliance of electrical and electronic products with the restriction of hazardous substances.

During a one-day gap assessment, ComplyMarket auditors will follow the actual audit standards to ensure that your company is ready for the actual audit. These audits will be based on the requirements of various standards such as ISO 9001, IDW PS 980, ISO 37301, IEC 63000, and IEC/TR 62476.

The following are the areas that will be examined during the gap assessment:

  • Purpose of system definition
  • Formal system process
    Technical documentation files for RoHS compliance (EU Decisions 768/2008/EC and IEC 63000)
  • Compliance assurance system control
  • Proof of control in the compliance assurance system.
  • Internal data system
  • Manufacturer or supplier
  • Material analysis
  • Declaration assessment.

How ComplyMarket can help you:

  • ComplyMarket auditors conduct gap assessments based on ISO 9001, IDW PS 980, ISO 37301, IEC 63000, and IEC/TR 62476 standards to identify risks in your confined-materials and product compliance systems, including a comprehensive checklist to ensure compliance.
  • ComplyMarket's gap assessment includes an assessment of system purpose definitions, formal processes, technical documentation according to IEC 63000, RoHS compliance documentation, compliance assurance system controls, proofs, internal data systems, suppliers, material analysis, and declaration evaluation.
  • ComplyMarket offers on-site and online gap assessment services that can be completed in a single day, ensuring that your company is fully prepared for the upcoming audit.


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