Market monitoring and product regulatory compliance


new EU regulations require online retailers to comply with market surveillance and product conformance standards

New Market Surveillance and Product Conformity Regulations Affecting European E-Commerce

2021 7 16 New Regulation 2019/1020/EU - market surveillance and product conformity regulations will come into force, impacting European e-commerce and online retail by market-leading retailers.

Here's what you need to know >


  • CE sold online Contains marked products O products are harmonized EU must be compliant.
  • persons present in the European Union must be additionally responsible and 'authorized representatives' who are the contacts for these products."
  • online retailers can use each CE requires a certified representative for the marking product.

new regulation applies to all products covered by one of the following regulations:

  • Regulation on Construction Products (EU) 305/2011
  • Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425
  • Regulation on Gaseous Fuel-Burning Equipment (EU) 2016/426、 It is also called gas appliance regulation
  • 2000/14/EC on environmental noise emissions by equipment for > outdoor use
  • 2006/42/EC on > Machinery
  • Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC
  • Directive 2009/125/EC energy-related products
  • Electrical and Electronic Equipment (rohs) Directive 2011/65/EU on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances
  • Directive 2013/29/EU Harmonization of the laws of Member States relating to making fireworks products available on the market
  • Directive on Recreational Craft and Personal Watercraft 2013/53/EU
  • Directive 2014/29/EU. Harmonization of the legislation of Member States on the availability of simple pressure vessels on the market
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU
  • Directive 2014/31/EU. Harmonization of the legislation of Member States on the availability of non-automatic weighing equipment on the market
  • Directive 2014/32/EU. Harmonization of the legislation of the Member States on the availability of measuring instruments on the market
  • Directive 2014/34/EU, harmonization of the legislation of Member States on equipment and protection systems intended for use in explosive atmospheres (ATEX)
  • Directive 2014/35/ harmonization of the legislation of Member States on making electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits available on the market EU (Low Voltage Directive)
  • Directive 2014/53/EU. Harmonization of the legislation of Member States on the availability of radio equipment on the market
  • Directive 2014/68/EU, on the harmonization of the legislation of the Member States on the availability of pressure equipment on the market.

ComplyMarket can help:

ComplyMarket provides economic operators to online sellers through authorized distributors. Here's how we can help you comply with the new regulations:

  • compliant EU Declaration or Declaration of Performance, Market Monitoring, including Technical Documentation, Check the necessary documents to comply with, also to submit a Declaration of Conformity or Declaration of Performance for the period required by that law; To leave it at the disposal of market surveillance authorities.
  • provide them with all the information and documentation necessary to respond to requests from market surveillance agencies and to demonstrate the conformity of their products.
  • We will immediately take the necessary corrective action to remedy the non-compliance.
  • communicate with market surveillance authorities about high-risk products.

ComplyMarket and its partners It can help non-European sellers who do not have a legal presence in Europe to continue trading safely.


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