<span lang="FR" style="mso-ansi-language: FR;">By partnering with ComplyMarket, you will have peace of mind and ensure compliance with the Rail Industry Substances List (RISL).
The Railway Industry Substances List (RISL) is a comprehensive database of banned and reportable chemicals used specifically by the railway industry, created by the Union of European Railway Industries (UNIFE). It aims to provide suppliers and subcontractors with information on materials and substances prohibited by European and international legislation.
RISL defines and categorizes substances and indicates where restrictions should be taken into account. It helps users comply with the legal provisions for manufacturers, downstream users and importers of substances within the framework of the European REACH regulation (EC 1907/2006). The UNIFE Thematic Group has also extended the legal scope outside Europe to include Canada, China and the United States.
How can ComplyMarket help you?
- ComplyDoC: it is an intelligent computing solution and the first-ever open-source cloud solution for managing supply chain sustainability, chemical compliance, and product compliance, in order to collect information from suppliers.
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