European Green Deal


> Sustainable Future: Tackling Climate Change and Environmental DegradationEU to meet its Green Deal goals and how Complete Market can help you comply

climate change and environmental degradation It poses an existential threat to Europe and the world.   To address these challenges, the European Green Deal has set the following objectives:EUinto a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy.

  • 2050
  • Decoupled economic growth from resource use<span lang="JA" style="mso-fareast-language: JA;">
  • people and places are not left behindる

> Benefits of the European Green Deal include: It involves improving the well-being and health of citizens and future generations by providing:

  • Fresh air, clean water, healthy soil, biodiversity
  • energy-efficient renovated building物
  • Healthy and affordable meals
  • Enhancement of public transportation
  • Clean energy and cutting-edge clean innovation
  • Future-proof jobs and skills training for the transition to a globally competitive and resilient industry

ComplyMarket can help:

  • EU Green Dealspan lang="EN" style="mso-fareast-language: JA;">
  • Ad Hoc Consulting Services<span lang="JA" style="mso-fareast-language: JA;">


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