Η νομοθεσία της Γερμανίας και της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης σχετικά με τη δέουσα επιμέλεια της αλυσίδας εφοδιασμού

Germany and European Union Legislation regarding Supply Chain Due Diligence


The extent of utilization:

  • Starting from 2023, a workforce of 3000 individuals in Germany
  • Either a central administrative body or a legally established headquarters located in Germany


  • Annual and spontaneous fulfillment of the required investigation and assessment
  • Annual and spontaneous creation of internal records and public reports

Distinctive Range:

  • In-house operational domain
  • Primary suppliers directly engaged (Tier-1)
  • Subsequent suppliers (Tier-n) are indirectly involved based on substantiated awareness.

Regulatory enforcement

  • Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle (BAFA) within the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs
  • Controls, directives, authorization privileges, and the duty to furnish information based on risk assessment.

Sanctions and monetary penalties

  • Regulations regarding administrative fines, which can reach up to 2% of the yearly revenue.
  • German non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and labor unions possess the ability to enforce the rights of individuals affected.

Current Status

  • The legislation will be in effect starting from January 1st, 2023.

German Legislation on Supply Chain Due Diligence


Ahmed Sakr

Product Compliance Consultant 

ComplyMarket UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)


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