Project Study/Bachelor or Master thesis/ Mandatory internship in Chemical Legislations Worldwide (m/f/d)

Job Description

ComplyMarket is a Munich based Startup with a focus on using AI technology to connect buyers and sellers in one online generated place to ensure a compliant supply chain and save them valuable time and effort.

ComplyMarket is a centralized platform that enables buyers and suppliers to easily find product compliant components and materials, while also identifying product compliance requirements for various markets, all while saving valuable time and resources.

1- ComplyMarket is a platform for manufacturers, suppliers, and importers to easily find compliant components and materials with evidence attached, which saves time and resources.
2- Suppliers will no longer have to answer compliance questions thousands of times. Instead, they can answer them once on ComplyMarket and make the information available to all their customers.
3- Buyers can save time by finding their compliance evidence collected and updated on ComplyMarket, rather than having to collect and update it themselves.
4- ComplyDoc is software that collects compliance information from the supply chain and checks it for accuracy using AI.
5- ComplyIntelligent is AI-powered software that can quickly identify compliance requirements, which saves time and resources.
6- ComplyMarket has expert compliance consultants who can help businesses navigate complex 7- regulations and meet product compliance requirements.
ComplyMarket offers customized software solutions to help businesses ensure compliance with sustainability and product requirements

Amount of workload will depend on the required ECTS. The scope can be limited to limited number of countries if necessary.


  • Conduct a thorough review of global chemical legislations and regulations
  • Keep up-to-date with changes and updates to chemical legislations and regulations
  • Analyze and summarize relevant information and data related to chemical regulations
  • Prepare reports and presentations summarizing the findings of the study


  • Bachelor's or Master's student in Chemistry, environmental science, nature science or related field
  • Strong research and analytical skills
  • Understanding of global chemical regulations and frameworks
  • Keep up-to-date with changes and expected updates to chemical legislations and regulations
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Experience in project management and working independently
  • Strong attention to detail and ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously
  • Familiarity with compliance and regulatory technologies is a plus, but not a must


  • Exposure to a wide range of chemical regulations and compliance requirements worldwide
  • Opportunity to develop expertise in product compliance and chemical management
  • Access to industry-leading compliance software and tools, including AI-powered technology
  • Chance to work with and learn from experienced compliance consultants and industry professionals
  • Ability to contribute to the growth and success of a cutting-edge technology company focused on sustainability and social responsibility
  • Possibility of continuing education and career development, including mentorship and preparation for a career as a regulatory compliance manager or consultant.

At ComplyMarket, we value diversity and believe that a range of backgrounds and perspectives enhances our ability to serve our customers. We are an equal opportunity employer and welcome applications from all qualified candidates.

To apply, please, send your CV, motivation letter, certificates and references to

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