Flutter Development Internship (Mandatory) for Project Study, Bachelor's or Master's Thesis (Remote Work Available) (m/f/d)

Job Description

ComplyMarket is a Munich based Startup with a focus on using AI technology to connect buyers and sellers in one online generated place to ensure a compliant supply chain and save them valuable time and effort.

ComplyMarket is a centralized platform that enables buyers and suppliers to easily find product compliant components and materials, while also identifying product compliance requirements for various markets, all while saving valuable time and resources.

1- ComplyMarket is a platform for manufacturers, suppliers, and importers to easily find compliant components and materials with evidence attached, which saves time and resources.
2- Suppliers will no longer have to answer compliance questions thousands of times. Instead, they can answer them once on ComplyMarket and make the information available to all their customers.
3- Buyers can save time by finding their compliance evidence collected and updated on ComplyMarket, rather than having to collect and update it themselves.
4- ComplyDoc is software that collects compliance information from the supply chain and checks it for accuracy using AI.
5- ComplyIntelligent is AI-powered software that can quickly identify compliance requirements, which saves time and resources.
6- ComplyMarket has expert compliance consultants who can help businesses navigate complex 7- regulations and meet product compliance requirements.
ComplyMarket offers customized software solutions to help businesses ensure compliance with sustainability and product requirements

Amount of workload will depend on the required ECTS. The scope can be limited to limited number of countries if necessary.


  • Work with the development team to design, develop and maintain mobile applications using Flutter framework
  • Collaborate with UI/UX designers to implement design concepts into functional user interfaces
  • Work in a fast-paced Agile development environment and contribute to team meetings and sprint planning sessions
  • Write clean and maintainable code following industry-standard development practices
  • Participate in code reviews and debugging sessions to identify and fix software defects
  • Research and experiment with new technologies and trends to keep up with the latest developments in mobile application development


  • Work with the development team to design, develop and maintain mobile applications using Flutter framework
  • Collaborate with UI/UX designers to implement design concepts into functional user interfaces
  • Write clean and maintainable code following industry-standard development practices
  • Participate in code reviews and debugging sessions to identify and fix software defects
  • Participate in code reviews and debugging sessions to identify and fix software defects
  • Work in a fast-paced Agile development environment and contribute to team meetings and sprint planning sessions
  • Research and experiment with new technologies and trends to keep up with the latest developments in mobile application developmentWillingness to learn and adapt to new technologies, trends, and best practices in web development.
  • Write clean and maintainable code following industry-standard development practices


  • Hands-on experience: As a Flutter developer intern, you will have the opportunity to work on real-world mobile application development projects using the Flutter framework. This experience can help you build your portfolio and make you more marketable to potential employers.
  • Skill development: Interning as a Flutter developer can help you develop your skills in mobile application development, Dart programming language, and the Flutter framework. You can also learn about best practices and industry trends from experienced developers, which can help you improve your skills and stay current with the latest technologies.
  • Creative freedom: As a Flutter developer intern, you will have the freedom to be creative and explore new ideas in mobile application development. You will be able to collaborate with the development team to design and develop mobile applications using the Flutter framework.
  • Potential for future employment: ComplyMarket may offer future employment or recommendation based on the intern's performance during the internship.
  • Remote work: The position offers remote work possibilities, which can provide flexibility and better work-life balance.
  • Professional development: Interning as a Flutter developer can help you develop your professional skills, such as communication, collaboration, project management, and organizational skills. These skills are valuable in any job and can help you succeed in your career.
  • Networking: Interning as a Flutter developer can provide opportunities to network with other developers, designers, and project managers. These connections can be valuable in helping you find job opportunities or advance your career in the future.
  • Future opportunities: Interning at ComplyMarket can open up future opportunities for employment or collaboration. ComplyMarket values its interns and often looks to hire interns for full-time positions after they graduate.
  • Overall, interning as a Flutter developer at ComplyMarket can provide valuable opportunities for skill development, hands-on experience, creative freedom, remote work, professional development, networking, and the potential for future employment.

At ComplyMarket, we value diversity and believe that a range of backgrounds and perspectives enhances our ability to serve our customers. We are an equal opportunity employer and welcome applications from all qualified candidates.

To apply, please, send your CV, motivation letter, certificates and references to career@complymarket.com

Please, refer to our privacy policy: https://complymarket.com/privacy

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